Wednesday 2 September 2009

Calm after the Storm

It was a stormy, turbulent night by the coast. Torrential weeping from a sullen night’s sky, supplemented by the deep roaring sound of thunder created a heavy atmosphere and hazardous conditions for those unfortunate to be outside.

This morning was a completely different story, a brand new day. The sun was attempting to rise in its beautiful, oceanic blue sky, after what had been a violently disruptive night, like a bird trying to fly home after a damaged wing has healed. It was in such contrast to the conditions that presented themselves the night before as I recalled the vigorous roaring that had resounded in stereo throughout my flat just hours earlier. There was the occasional flash piercing the blackness of the night as though a light bulb had just blown. The lightning wrapped itself neatly around the sky for a split second before dispersing rapidly once more into the darkness, from whence it came.

In quiet contemplation my thoughts led me to the kitchen, then to the bedroom, as the setting for my first morning writing as both rooms are north facing, looking out at the endless sea and have the luxury on such a morning, of being embellished by the sun. Unfortunately on what was actually a slightly frosty morning, the idea was abolished because it was a mere corner of the window ledge that has illuminated by the sun’s warm rays.

Looking down out of my window I caught a glimpse of slight frosting on the cars below.
“This is it” I thought, “the first day of winter”. Though it’s only the first day of September it feels like the same thing. For years it seems around this time of the year I sense the switch has been flipped to trigger the season change. Here lies the point of no return. There will inevitably be some fine days, but it is ultimately the start of the cold season. A brief autumn followed by a long cold winter before returning to a fresh springtime that is a considerable amount of time away. It feels endless. While I do love the glistening of snow and the excitement of the Christmas season, the cold doesn’t agree with me at all. It’s no complaint really since I don’t like the cold much either! Why should we get along? I like nice warm sunny days as opposed to wrapping up like the Michelin man on an Antarctic expedition.

For now at least I see blue skies and sunshine…

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