Don’t get me wrong, I’m not condemning you, the reader, I have been, and am, once again right there, on the same long ship, making the trek to the frozen wastes.
In this world you can gear up a character ready to take on anything, there’s professions that you can train to make your own armour, potions, food, ammo etc, there’s eBay, I mean Auction House where you can put up goods for sale at extortionate Buy it Now, Regret it Later prices, and a whole host of other “Real Life” skills and ploys to add to the enthralling make up of this great Azerothian world.
Now I know this is not the case for all WoW gamers and some people manage very successfully to play casually and have a happy, healthy and balanced life where gaming is a hobby. That’s where it ends. These people don’t go to work wondering what spell rotation will give the best dps for tonight’s Ulduar raid, or if buying a new shoulder upgrade will lower some stats and boost others; they can take it or leave it. WoW has been know to destroy marriages and relationships, add to already existing personal and health problems, slump people deeper into depressive moods and detract people further from reality, making it even more difficult to return to Earth relatively unscathed. However it’s also brought people together and forged blossoming relationships between more than just Night Elves and Dwarves. I know what you’re thinking, OMG that’s just plain wrong, and you’d be right, but that’s beside the point.
If there’s a secret to achieving the balance of WoW and real life, then I’d love to hear about it, and the steps needed to achieve it, because I’m genuinely interested.
Gief RL plx! Give me real life, please! I’d take an active, fun, adventurous real life with real people, real worries, real problems and things that really matter any day of the week over a gaming world. Despite its imaginative and creative bubble, WoW is no substitute for me!
Chances are this won’t be the last article I write on this topic, but for now watch this space…and please give me your feedback if you’re a WoW player, or ex-WoW player, or if you’ve broken free from the evil clutches of Azeroth, I’m keen to hear your thoughts.
Until next time…Game On!!